This week Jesus welcomes the children in our story as we remember to receive God's love with open hearts and freely give it away!
Activity: This week we are spreading God's love and finding ways to be giving. Use the sidewalk chalk from the kit to write positive messages on the sidewalk on your block or go to a nearby park and write nice messages there. "Have a nice day!" "You are beautiful!" "You are loved!"

Another way you could be giving is to start a reverse chain letter for a sticker club. Pick someone you'd like to invite to the sticker club. You'll need to a stamp for their letter, and one to include in the letter. You'll also need a sticker for your friend and a sticker for them to send to someone else. Then write a letter inviting them to the sticker club,

Remember the bookmark from last week? This week, make a card with the blank greeting card in your kit and send it with the bookmark to someone special - maybe someone you'd like to brighten their day, someone you'd like to thank for something nice they did, or someone you miss and haven't seen in awhile.
Snack: This is our gift to you! Saturday, August 29th is the next time to pick up your next VBS kit at the St. Luke Farmers Market between 8am and 1pm. When you do - you'll find something special attached to the front of your bag!
Hope you have a fun week, and if your family has been using the GRACE card to keep track of acts of kindness, make sure to see if you can cross off any extra boxes this week!