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St. Luke is a church with a small-town atmosphere located in the city. It is a place where people know one another's names. In an era of mega-churches, St. Luke has an intimate feel of people who continue to care and pray for one another on an individual basis. We truly are a close-knit family of God, but our connections do not stop at the church doors. We recognize that we are part of the larger family of God with people in our neighborhood, state, nation and world.
St. Luke is a church whose giving does not stop at our local community. It is a place where people know one another's names. In an era of mega-churches, St. Luke has an intimate feel of people who continue to care and pray for one another on an individual basis. We truly are a close-knit family of God, but our connections do not stop at the church doors. We recognize that we are part of the larger family of God with people in our neighborhood, state, nation and world.

St. Luke is a church with a small-town atmosphere located in the city. It is a place where people know one another's names. In an era of mega-churches, St. Luke has an intimate feel of people who continue to care and pray for one another on an individual basis. We truly are a close-knit family of God, but our connections do not stop at the church doors. We recognize that we are part of the larger family of God with people in our neighborhood, state, nation and world.