Join us for worship
with Holy Communion
every Sunday at 9:30am.
We also offer our Sunday services via Zoom.
If you would like information on how to participate,
please email: secretary@saintlukechurch.org
You may enter Saint Luke as a stranger, but you will leave as a friend.
Connect, grow and serve.
CONNECT with Jesus and each other
GROW in faith together
SERVE with love and compassion
Youth Holiday
Your Council has voted to “go local” again this year and support homeless youth in the Twin Cities over the holidays. Lutheran Social Services sponsors a program for homeless youth called “Youth Holiday Gifts.” This is a gift program of LSS Metro Homeless Youth Services. We will be collecting gifts on Sundays, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24 and 12/1. The gifts will be delivered in early December. Gifts should be UNWRAPPED! A list of desired holiday gifts is available in the Social Hall, or click here for details. You are a warm, giving congregation; I’m confident we can offer gifts to these young people who are in need. Please contact me with any questions or concerns!
-Wendy Bjorklund, 651-357-5742
Dec The Halls
Please, we need your participation! Let's roll up our sleeves and decorate the church for Advent/Christmas after worship on Dec. 1, then enjoy a potluck lunch together! Please bring a dish to pass. Many hands make light work! It is sure to put you in a festive mood...hope to see YOU there!
We invite you to our St. Luke Book Club, on Sunday, Jan. 5, 6:30pm, via Zoom, to discuss “State of Wonder”, a best-selling, novel Ann Patchett, a provocative novel of morality and miracles, science and sacrifice set in the Amazon rainforest: “Patchett exhibits an extraordinary ability to bring the horrors and the wonders of the Amazon to life, and her singular characters are wonderfully drawn. . . . Powerful and captivating.” — Library Journal. The Zoom invite will be emailed to you shortly before the meeting. All are welcome; join us!
Open doors, open hearts, open minds. We are a Reconciling In Christ Church,
open to people of all sexual orientation and gender identities.