Join us for worship
with Holy Communion
every Sunday at 9:30am.
We also offer our Sunday services via Zoom.
If you would like information on how to participate,
please email: secretary@saintlukechurch.org
You may enter Saint Luke as a stranger, but you will leave as a friend.
Connect, grow and serve.
CONNECT with Jesus and each other
GROW in faith together
SERVE with love and compassion
Craft and Chat
Announcing another Craft and Chat…plus potluck lunch! Do you crochet, knit, sew, embroider, scrapbook, or create in some other way? Craft and Chat is for you! Pack up your current project and bring it over to work on after worship on Sunday, Jan. 19 (around 11am). Please bring a dish to share. All are welcome​...invite a friend or two! Join us for a relaxing, enjoyable afternoon with friends!
Undie Sunday
It is time for Undie Sunday! It’s that time of the year again! The dropping temperatures make us think of those less fortunate who are experiencing homelessness, unemployment or underemployment. Providing the basic needs of socks and underwear is our mission. The biggest need right now is kids socks and underwear. On Jan. 5, Debby and Stew Shepard will be providing a Mission Message during worship to provide an update on the status and current needs of The Drawer. Financial donations can be made out to The Drawer or to St. Luke with The Drawer in the memo area. Also, we will be collecting donations in our offering jar for the month of January for The Drawer. So, let’s fill The Drawer! Collection Start: Jan. 5 – Undie Sunday: Jan. 26. For more info, visit www.thedrawer.org
Book Club
We invite you to our St. Luke Book Club, on Sunday Feb. 23, 6:30pm, via Zoom, to discuss “One True Loves”, a best-selling novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid, “a breathtaking love story about a woman unexpectedly forced to choose between the husband she has long thought dead and the fiancé who has finally brought her back to life.”The Zoom invite will be emailed to you shortly before the meeting. All are welcome; join us!
All are welcome at St. Luke. We are called by Jesus to love God and one another. At St. Luke, we believe that diversity enriches our community. Everyone is welcome regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental ability, economic status, family status, or where you are on your faith journey. We invite you to join us.